A row of suitcases with a backpack on each one stand in front of a black tiled wall.

Things to pack for a residential trip

You don't need a new wardrobe, but there is a list of sensible items to be aware of...

Going away on an adventure is always exciting no matter your age – whether your child is venturing on a school residential trip or you and your family are planning an accessible holiday, there’s a lot to look forward to.

But before the excitement can begin, you’ll need to think about preparing for the trip and organising everything that needs to be packed.

Preparing for an accessible activity break

The accessible adventure breaks we offer here at Calvert Exmoor are designed to be enjoyed by everyone; we are dedicated to ensuring all our guests can take part in a diverse range of exciting, accessible activities and, most importantly, have a brilliant time!

While a stay with us is all about having a go at things you might never have done before (and having loads of fun), we understand that some guests may be anxious about their stay and unsure of what to expect.

Making sure you have everything you need for your journey and break is a practical way to temper some of this wariness to ensure you can focus on making memories and trying out new activities.


Packing list for accessible adventure breaks

Many of our activities take place in the great outdoors, so it’s important to take this into account when deciding what to bring along.

There might be a couple of essential everyday items that you’ll need to pack, but it isn’t necessary to go out and get a whole new wardrobe for the different activities you’ll be doing!

So, what will you need?

Appropriate shoes & footwear

You’ll likely need a couple of pairs of shoes to suit the different activities you’ll be taking part in. We recommend considering:

  • Durable shoes: Walking boots or Wellington boots are ideal for exploring outside, especially when it’s wet or muddy.
  • Trainers: You may need a couple of pairs, including backup trainers, for when you do water-based activities.
  • Sturdy shoes: Boots or shoes with a small heel are necessary when horse riding, so consider this if you’re looking to participate in the activity.


Make sure you have:

  • Waterproof jacket or coat: This will keep you dry and warm throughout your adventure.
  • Waterproof trousers: These might not be essential but will come in very handy if the weather takes a turn, or you just want to feel more prepared.
  • Trousers: Tracksuit bottoms or comfortable trousers are ideal – jeans will be less comfortable when taking part in activities. You may also want to bring shorts if that’s what you prefer but note that full-length trousers are mandatory if you’re horse riding.
  • Jumpers and T-shirts: You’ll likely want a couple of thin layers, so you can bundle up when cold but easily take off layers when you get warmer.
  • Casual clothes and sleepwear: Practical clothing is best for when you’re out and about doing activities, but when you relax in the evenings, you may want to change into more comfortable clothes.
  • Socks and underwear: Remember to bring plenty to last for the duration of your trip!
  • Swimwear: You’ll need this for swimming in the pool and for any other water-based activities. Goggles can also be useful, and you’ll need a couple of towels too.

Weather protection

The British weather can be more than a little temperamental, so it’s often best to pack for a couple of eventualities.

Before you set out on your trip, looking up the weather forecast will give you an idea on which items to prioritise. Weather-specific items that you’ll need to consider include:

  • Waterproofs: These will keep you dry and comfortable.
  • Sun protection: If the sun makes an appearance, you’ll probably want a hat or cap, sunglasses and plenty of sun cream.
  • Cold weather clothing: If the weather’s going to be a little chillier, you might want to bring along a woolly hat, scarf and gloves.

Remember to pack toiletries

Aside from clothing, you’ll need to pack a bag of everyday hygiene items and toiletries, including things like:

  • Soap or shower gel
  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Towels & flannels
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Hair ties & clips
  • Comb or hairbrush
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Prescriptions

Specialist personal equipment

While we have a wide range of accessible equipment here at Calvert Exmoor, to make your stay as comfortable as possible, you may want to bring along any specialist personal equipment to ensure that you have everything you need to feel relaxed during your stay.

This could include items such as wheelchairs, hearing aids or any specific medical equipment; whatever you need to feel at ease, we’d encourage you to pack it.

Holiday packing advice

If you’re worried about forgetting anything, making a physical packing list to tick off the items can be helpful – this will also help ensure you or your child don’t forget anything when returning home.

Adding labels to your personal items and clothing may also be useful, especially for younger adventurers.

If you’re packing things like phones or cameras, remember to take their chargers and perhaps a secure bag to ensure they’re kept safe over your stay. Books and journals can also be great things to bring along for when you have a quiet moment in the evenings and you want to reflect on the adventures and activities you’ve enjoyed during your stay.

If there’s anything else that you can’t go without during your day-to-day routine, remember to pack this too – there’s no reason why you can’t be as comfortable as possible when you book an accessible trip away.

Once you’ve packed your bags, you’re all set to enjoy your break with us!

If you’d like to find out more about our accessible outdoor activity holidays, whether for familiesschools or other groups, please get in touch with the Calvert Exmoor team.