Rob’s story

Discover the transformative break that allowed a father to turn trauma into triumph with each cherished moment on the first family holiday since his accident...

After a stay with us in 2021, Rob and his family kindly wrote to us to express their gratitude for what was clearly an impactful experience. Read on for more…

A bit of background…

Rob, his wife Kathy and their three children were on holiday in Malta when tragedy struck. Whilst on an open-top bus tour, the bus went through low hanging branches which hit the people on the top deck. Several people sustained life-changing injuries, including Rob who is now paralysed from the neck down.

This happened in April 2018 and life has understandably been very difficult for the family as they’ve adapted to the needs of Rob and his full-time care.

In July 2021, the family embarked on a thrilling adventure at Calvert Exmoor, their first holiday since the accident. Together, they conquered challenges, from abseiling to archery, weaving unforgettable memories.

Kathy's email…

"Dear Calvert Exmoor,

Thank you so much for enabling us to spend this week with you. As our first holiday away together since the bus accident it was tremendously important for us, and even more so for Rob who has spent several months bed bound due to pressure sores. We all had a brilliant time and would like to thank every member of your amazing team for their outstanding care.

What was so special about our holiday was our family being able, for the first time since 2018, to do everything together and, most importantly, with Rob. The staff were amazing with all 5 of us, so kind and incredibly experienced.

Our instructors were both wonderful and very knowledgeable, their skill and professionalism were outstanding, matched with a great sense of humour from both.

Best wishes and thanks from all the family.


Rob said…

“Calvert Exmoor is a fantastic place. I had a great time and really appreciated the incredibly professional staff. It was great to be away from home with my family for the first time since the accident."

Rob and Kathy's children said…

“I particularly liked the abseiling as the skilful instructors were able to include Dad.”

“I liked how the instructors clipped us quickly in when we went climbing and abseiling. I was quite scared and they were great with Dad and with me and helped me to manage my fear.”

“It was really inspirational to see how the staff and instructors dealt with people who needed support. It was particularly amazing that they made everyone feel like they could participate in all of their amazing activities.”

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