Horse and carriage riding at Calvert Exmoor
Our stables sessions focus on individuals enjoying horse riding OR carriage driving as part of a midweek or fullweek break (please note, sessions are not available at weekends).
Our specialised equipment and the accreditations we have gained over many years of experience can fill you with confidence that we will ensure your stables session is tailored to your needs and that everyone can access the session in some way or another.
The details for each aspect of the session are outlined below, with details about horse riding, carriage driving and grooming…
Stables sessions in action
Your stables session
As you can imagine, these sessions are quite versatile. Your session may look very different to someone else, even if it’s on the same day, at the same time. Depending on your needs and your goals, your schedule during this session will differ. This is so our expert staff can make sure you’re benefitting fully from the activity.
What you need to know…
- There is a 13.7 stone limit for riding a horse
- Anyone over this weight (13.8 stone upwards) will sadly not be able to ride a horse but could partake in carriage driving instead
- Anyone wishing to ride a horse will be weighed confidentially, in private, by the Equestrian Centre team to confirm they are not over 13.7 stone
- Guests with epilepsy (Drop/Tonic-Clonic) will not be able to ride but could participate in carriage riding where appropriate, and guests riding with epilepsy (absences) will have to stay inside the arena
Read more below about how your session may look, depending on both your own and our staff’s requirements.

1: Get ready

1: Get ready
- You will meet your instructor at your allocated meeting point
- Your meeting point will be given to you on arrival at the centre in advance of your activity sessions
- Your instructor will take you to the Equestrian Centre to meet the stables staff, who will:
- find out what you aim to achieve from the session
- get you weighed (in private) to assess which horse will be best for you
- take you to the tack room, where you’ll be fitted with a riding hat
- give you a briefing on how the session will run and what you can expect

2: Learn how

2: Learn how
- Your stables instructors will lead you into the indoor arena, where you’ll meet your horse and one-by-one, mount your horse (this could be using our ceiling track hoist)
- Before moving along and waiting for everyone else to mount their horses, you’ll have a check-in to see how you’re feeling and then told the basics of how to control your horse – you’ll also have a volunteer or staff member leading your horse

3: Have a go

3: Have a go
- During the session, as a group, you’ll follow the instructions your stables instructor gives you as you ride around the indoor arena
- Depending on weather and the group’s ability, you may be able to do part of your ride outside on a specified route

4: Finish up

4: Finish up
- After your riding lesson has finished, the stables instructors will help you dismount your horse and depending on time, you may then have some time to help with some stables management tasks such as grooming, mucking out or feeding
- At the end of your session, your instructors will ask you to return your hats and any other kit before heading back to the centre
Carriage Riders

1: Get ready

1: Get ready
- You will meet your instructor at your allocated meeting point
- Your meeting point will be given to you on arrival at the centre in advance of your activity sessions
- Your instructor will take you to the Equestrian Centre to meet the stables staff, who will:
- find out what you aim to achieve from the session
- get you weighed (in private)
- take you to the tack room, where you’ll be fitted with a riding hat
- give you a briefing on how the session will run and what you can expect

2: Learn how

2: Learn how
- Your stables instructors will help you onto the carriage and, once you’re ready they’ll start the ride!

3: Have a go

3: Have a go
- The carriage ride usually takes place in the outdoor arena or on a set route around our centre grounds

4: Finish up

4: Finish up
- After your riding lesson has finished, the stables instructors will help you down from the carriage and, depending on time, you may then have some time to help with some stables management tasks such as grooming, mucking out or feeding
- At the end of your session, your instructors will ask you to return your hats and any other kit before heading back to the centre

1: Get ready

1: Get ready
- You will meet your instructor at your allocated meeting point
- Your meeting point will be given to you on arrival at the centre in advance of your activity sessions
- Your instructor will take you to the Equestrian Centre to meet the stables staff, who will talk you through the session and find out how you’d like to take part
- You’ll also be shown how to access the Gallery Viewing Area, so you can watch the riding lesson take place in the indoor arena

2: Learn how

2: Learn how
- Your stables instructors will teach you how to groom horses, feed or clean out the stables depending on whether you have chosen to do this

3: Have a go

3: Have a go
- Have a go at helping in the stables – you’ll learn all sorts about the horses, how to care for them and more!
- Watch your group members have a go at riding in the indoor arena – you can watch from the viewing gallery
- Watch your group members ride the carriage. You can walk alongside at a safe distance while they walk their route around the centre or watch as they ride around the outdoor arena.

4: Finish up

4: Finish up
- At the end of your session, say goodbye to your stables instructors, return any gear you’ve borrowed and head back to the centre
Stables session equipment

Ceiling Track Hoist

Ceiling Track Hoist
- This hoist allows guests who may need extra help mounting a horse to do so with a smooth transition
- When you arrive at the Equestrian Centre, if you and the staff decide that mounting a horse using this equipment is best, they’ll help you into a specialised sling. When you get to the mounting platform, the sling is attached onto the metal bar of the hoist to be lifted to the correct height
- Please note: there is a 12 stone weight limit when using this equipment

Tack and Riding Hats

Tack and Riding Hats
- We have an array of tack for all our horses, which you can see hanging on the walls in the tack room
- This room also houses the riding hats, which you’ll need to wear if you’re riding during your session

Funbug Carriage

Funbug Carriage
- This carriage is an option for guests who:
- Are wheelchair users
- Do not have sufficient core strength to safely ride a horse
- Are above the weight allowance for riding a horse
- Are not confident enough to ride a horse alone
- One of the chairs on the carriage, pictured, can be removed, to make space for your own wheelchair to be secured in its place
- The back of the carriage can be turned into a ramp for easy access
- This carriage has a variety of modifications that make it comfortable, smooth and enjoyable for all
- Please note: this carriage has a 17 stone weight limit

Horsemanship Tools

Horsemanship Tools
- These could consist of a variety of tools:
- Brooms for sweeping
- Shovels and wheelbarrows for poo picking
- Brushes for grooming

My overriding happiest memory is of my Dad and son riding horses, watched and cheered on by all our new friends accompanied by the theme of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
Yes! We leave no one out and no matter what, we do everything we can to make sure you can enjoy the experience of stables sessions in a way that suits you and keeps you safe.
PLEASE NOTE: guests are encouraged to weigh themselves and give an accurate reading to staff during your booking process. Guests over 13.7 stone unfortunately will not be able to ride horses, but can still take part in related stables activities.
At Calvert Exmoor, it’s what you CAN do that counts. Our instructors use the term ‘challenge by choice’, which ensures that while you’re taking part and given challenges along the way, you ultimately always have the agency and control over your own limitations. Our staff are there to keep you safe but also build your confidence, even if this means accomplishing a simpler version of the activity.
Our instructors are not only incredibly experienced but also hold qualifications from esteemed bodies such as British Horse Society (BHS), Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) and Pony Club.
Our stables sessions take place in our onsite Equestrian Centre. This is only a 2 minute walk from the main building.
Our accreditations
Meet the horses and ponies
Would you like to sponsor a horse or pony?
Transform lives by supporting accessible riding at Calvert Exmoor. Sponsor your favourite pony to make a real difference and claim your pack.