
Experience the excitement of rafting where calm waters and inclusive fun promise unforgettable adventures



What is rafting?

Rafting is an exhilarating outdoor activity involving navigating bodies of water in an inflatable raft.

Whether you’re enjoying calm, scenic floats or tackling exciting rapids, rafting offers a thrilling way to connect with nature.

It is also considered a team sport, with those in the raft working together to paddle and steer, using communication skills and building connections while improving fitness too.

Rafting at Calvert Exmoor

With use of Wistlandpound Reservoir between spring and autumn and with our specialist equipment, everyone can access this activity and relish the joys of this blue space (weather dependent).

With us, rafting is yet another activity perfect for all abilities, with all sessions tailored to each group’s needs, offering both instructional activities for skill development and fun games for an all-round experience of both relaxation and excitement.

Our rafts are resilient, sturdy and even give a sensory experience, with the floor of them being partly flexible to allow for the water to move underneath.

Join us for both calming sensory experiences and games that’ll leave you giggling!

Your rafting session

Click on each step for more information on what you can expect from a rafting session with us…
A guest in a wheelchair is being pushed down the hill on a paved path by another guest in a long green coat. Behind them is an instructor walking down the path with greenery either side of them all.

1: Get ready

A guest in a wheelchair is being pushed down the hill on a paved path by another guest in a long green coat. Behind them is an instructor walking down the path with greenery either side of them all.

1: Get ready

  • You will meet your instructor at your allocated meeting point
  • Your meeting point will be given to you on arrival at the centre in advance of your activity sessions
  • Your instructor will take you down to the boathouse, accessed via our zigzag path which is wheelchair accessible.
  • (Subject to availability, there is also a wheelchair accessible buggy that can transport guests to the boathouse)

2: Learn how

2: Learn how

  • Your instructor will show you the boathouse facilities, including the toilets and the storage room, where you’ll be given a buoyancy aid or life jacket (essential) and a helmet (optional)
  • Depending on the preference of the instructor and the weather, your safety briefing will either take place here or down by the water
  • Once you’re kitted up, your instructor will take you to the jetty, where they’ll help you into your rafts and begin showing you the techniques you’ll need for the session
  • The instructor will describe where you’ll paddle first as the fun and games begin

3: Have a go

3: Have a go

  • Depending on your group’s abilities, you’ll be paddling from checkpoint to checkpoint and taking part in a selection of fun-filled challenges and games
  • About halfway through the session, your instructor will give everyone a break, and provide you with hot or cold drinks to enjoy over some wholesome conversation
A large selection of red buoyancy aids lined up on pegged shelving in between two wooden doors inside a brightly lit room.

4: Finish up

A large selection of red buoyancy aids lined up on pegged shelving in between two wooden doors inside a brightly lit room.

4: Finish up

  • At the end of your rafting activity you’ll depart the raft, put away your buoyancy aids, return your paddles and helmets and head back up to the centre

Rafting equipment

Whether you want to get an idea of what our kit looks like, or see some of our specialised gear that helps make our sessions more accessible, have a look below…

Accessible bucket seat

Accessible bucket seat

  • Useful for guests who need extra back support while taking part in this activity
  • It has a 5-point quick release – this means that the user is attached securely into the seat, but can very easily and safely be released in the rare occurrence of the raft capsizing
A blue and yellow padded seat with back support and shoulder straps on a wooden seat in a canoe with the reservoir in the background.

Aquabac support seat

A blue and yellow padded seat with back support and shoulder straps on a wooden seat in a canoe with the reservoir in the background.

Aquabac support seat

  • Aquabac is a postural support system for seated balance assistance
  • It’s ideal for our sessions as it provides security, support, and padding
  • It features a bilateral quick release system for extra safety of those using it
  • It is customisable to meet specific individual needs
  • This piece of kit was designed by Equal Adventure and has been successfully used in diverse adventure activities for over 15 years

Please note: picture shows seating inside a canoe, however this is transferrable into the rafts.

A wooden slatted seat inside a canoe on a jetty with the reservoir behind.

Low bench seat

A wooden slatted seat inside a canoe on a jetty with the reservoir behind.

Low bench seat

  • This wooden slatted bench-type seat sits low in the rafts and offers back support for the user

Please note: picture shows seating inside a canoe, however this is transferrable into the rafts.

A grey beanbag inside a green and yellow canoe in front of the flat water on a floating jetty.


A grey beanbag inside a green and yellow canoe in front of the flat water on a floating jetty.


  • It’s as simple as it sounds: this is the ideal option for guests who would benefit from a moulded seat
  • We simply put a beanbag inside the raft and help the user into it, which could involve using one of our jetty hoists
  • An added benefit is that we can also change the angle at which the user is sitting, whether they want to be more reclined or upright

Please note: picture shows seating inside a canoe, however this is transferrable into the rafts.

A white mechanic machine standing upright from a jetty surrounded by water.

Dipper Hoist

A white mechanic machine standing upright from a jetty surrounded by water.

Dipper Hoist

  • This hoist can be used by our qualified instructors or by qualified guests to help those who are wheelchair users get from their wheelchair into a raft
  • This hoist has a weight limit of 14 stone


Yes! We leave no one out and no matter what, we do everything we can to make sure you can enjoy the experience of rafting in a way that suits you and keeps you safe.

Your safety is our priority. If the winds are too strong or if a storm is forecast for the day you are supposed to be rafting, we will make the final decision on whether the session runs. If the session is cancelled, you will be given an alternative activity and we will do our best to fit rafting into your schedule elsewhere (weather permitting).

At Calvert Exmoor, it’s what you CAN do that counts. Our instructors use the term ‘challenge by choice’, which ensures that while you’re taking part and given challenges along the way, you ultimately always have the agency and control over your own limitations. Our staff are there to keep you safe but also build your confidence, even if this means accomplishing a simpler version of the activity.

This can sometimes involve changing the equipment we use or the games within this session to be simpler or more challenging, depending on your needs.

  • We hold the British Canoeing Quality Mark and our instructors are both highly trained, experienced and qualified through British Canoeing and internal Technical Advisor training in delivering canoeing and rafting sessions for a wide variety of people.
  • The qualifications include Foundation Safety Rescue Training (FSRT) and Paddlesport Instructor/UK Core Coach qualifications.
  • We try our best to avoid any cases of rafts capsizing. Please follow your safety briefing, as swimming is not permitted in the reservoir.
  • You are also required to wear a buoyancy aid or life jacket and a helmet and our instructors do equipment checks frequently to ensure your safety.

Our rafting activity takes place at Wistlandpound Reservoir, which is a 5-10 minute walk/wheel away from the centre, down our zigzag path.