A group of young guests are gathered along the path that leads to the target in the archery range. They are looking at the instructor, who is standing in front of the target, talking to them about archery.


You are safe in our hands. But don't just take our word for it, take a look at the accreditations and awards we have...

Since our centre’s opening in 1996, we’ve gained decades of experience, knowledge, and numerous awards, both as a centre and through our dedicated staff. Read on to find out more…

Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA)

The Health and Safety Executive is a public body that acts as the regulator for workplace health and safety in Britain. Anyone wishing to provide adventure activities must hold their AALA Licence to give assurance that good safety management practice is being followed.

Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC)

CLOtC is a UK-wide charity that champions all learning outside of the classroom by supporting schools to develop their education in different settings. They also support venues and organisations to ensure they provide a safe and efficient learning environment. As part of this, they award their Quality Badge, which is endorsed by the Department for Education, to places that provide quality learning and effective risk management.

Calvert Exmoor is very pleased to have been assessed by CLOtC and be awarded their Quality Badge once again for December 2022 to December 2024.

AAIAC Adventure Mark

The Adventure Activities Industry Advisory Committee (AAIAC), the leading body for safety in adventure activities, awards their Adventuremark safety scheme to activity providers who manage potential risks and meet standards of good practice.

Calvert Exmoor was re-awarded the AAIAC Adventuremark for December 2022 to December 2024 because we meet the necessary standards for the safe delivery of adventure activities across abseiling, archery, climbing, bushcraft, canoeing, horse-riding, crate-stacking, orienteering, swimming, zip wires and more.

AHOEC Gold Standard

The Association of Heads of Outdoor Education Centre (AHOEC), an organisation made up of members holding senior positions in outdoor centres and learning around the UK, sets higher standards of service, care, and quality beyond those set by CLOtC, AAIAC, and AALA.

Calvert Exmoor was awarded the AHOEC Gold Standard Accreditation in October 2022, having been inspected across a range of areas including compliance with codes of conduct, learning and development, customer care, safety management, facilities, leadership and management, environmental sustainability, compliance and insurance, and continuous improvement.

British Horse Society (BHS)

We are extremely proud to be a part of the British Horse Society (BHS).

As members of the BHS, Calvert Exmoor’s Equestrian Centre is managed by a Stage 3 accredited coach who can offer various lessons and sign off skills records for others training towards their exams. We are also a part of the BHS Changing Lives Through Horses programme, which aims to improve the lives of young people who need additional support or are at risk of becoming excluded from education.

Riding For the Disabled (RDA)

As the only RDA approved centre in North Devon, our Equestrian Centre provide opportunities for people with disabilities to enjoy horse therapy, riding or carriage riding, which reflects our goal to provide riding for all.

Disability Confident Employer

We are committed to the Disability Confident Employer scheme, which ensures we make the most of the unique skills and talents that people with disabilities can bring to the workplace.

Level 5 Food Hygiene Rating

Our catering facilities are Level 5 according to the Food Standards Agency. This includes high standards in 'Hygienic Food handling', 'Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building' and 'Management of food safety'. Read more by clicking the button below.

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